What's In It for Me?

Philippians 2:3-4 says, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."

The Sabbath School lesson this week is on friendships and this was the text for the focus of today's study. The lesson aptly brought out the point that relationships -- friendships and marriages -- would be so much better if the parties involved would indeed look not only to their own interests, but also to the interests of others.

I am presently pastoring a wonderful congregation that is slowly growing. The Lord has sent us some new folk to unite their gifts and talents with a few faithful old members. And together they are demonstrating that the principle of this text works not only for friendships, but also for the church body. If the only question members ask of their church is "What in it for me?" then they are primarily in spectator mode. "Entertain me. Serve me. Make me laugh. Make me feel good." That's the "what's in it for me?" attitude. But members who look not only to their own interests, but also the interests of others are the ones who are a blessing to the Kingdom of God. They are in participant mode. Make no mistake about it, they do want to have a good time in worship and they too want to hear the Word rightly divided, but they also understand that none of that happens if everyone comes to the church with a hand out and nothing to offer.

The church cannot help but grow when people develop that kind of an attitude because they continue to give back. They give to the church in terms of their time and their service. They realize that the church is a blessing to them and they desperately want to be a blessing to it and the people it seeks to serve.

Lord, help us to look not only to our own interests, but also the interests of others.


Unknown said…
Dear KSG

I googled my name and this blog appeared. It was a devotion that I needed to hear at this moment. It doesn't matter that it was written almost 7 yrs ago. The words and subject matter are perfect for today. We need to be reminded of this daily because the church really isn't Macedonia the church is YOU. The church primarily resides in each of us...Thank You for the reminder and for always being my Pastor and Friend!

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