Home Stretch

I have officially begun week 3 of this 3-week evangelistic campaign. We finished week two with a baptism of 49 persons. Two young ladies made their decision for this coming Sabbath’s baptism at the poolside. Praise the Lord!

I would be dishonest if I didn’t say that I’m getting tired. When we began this meeting Pastor Strike Ben asked me if I would preach all three weeks straight through with no days off. I agreed. The Lord has definitely blessed. But I would not do it again without taking at least a Thursday night off.

What’s funny is that just about everybody has taken a break at some point EXCEPT ME and the co-preacher/interpreter. I’m not suggesting that anybody has kicked their feet up at home while the meetings are going on, but most of the key leaders have had something or the other pull them away from the meetings at least once. Dr. K.K. had to take care of business a few days at the conference he now leads as president. The gentleman who works the video had to go away last week on business. The gentleman who picks us up and brings us back to the hotel at night is away in Zambia this week. Even the conference president had to go away to Johannesburg last week.

So, it’s just a wise thing to build in some breathers. That way people can try to schedule their time away during those scheduled breaks.

I’m not the only one getting tired. Dr. Edi, my co-preacher, is also feeling the fatigue. What is amazing is that the Lord gives us the energy when we finally stand before the people to present God’s Word. Last night ended up being probably one of the most powerful messages. I had already preached once at a church, so I was really running on “E” when I got to the meetings. Truly, to them that have no might He increases strength!


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