Get in the Game

“For the body is not one member, but many” (1 Corinthians 12:14 ).

It’s time I admit it. (Now, let me be clear that I have known this for a very long time. I just haven’t made a public declaration of this particular truth.) 

I can’t do it all. 

Oh yes! I have big dreams. But I can’t fill enough roles, wear enough hats, or work enough hours to make most of those dreams come true. At least not by myself.

Fortunately, I don’t have to feel guilty about not being “enough.” The Scriptures in 1 Cor. 12 remind me that I am a member of the Body of Christ. I take that to mean that while I have an important role, in order for the Body to function properly and optimally, other members have to so their part too. 

Are you operating in the area of your giftedness? Do you realize that no one can do it all? Are you cognizant of the fact that when you sit back and watch others work — or worse yet, criticize how others are working — the Body is crippled?

As you prepare to enter 2019, to the workaholics I say, you cannot do it by yourself. And to the gifted and talented point guards and quarterbacks sitting on the sidelines, we’re not going to win the championship unless you’re willing to lace up your shoes and get into the game.


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