Oprah Today

The Oprah Show for Thursday, March 10 was on husbands who cheat. Pretty rough show. There were two couples on there. One was a young couple. The other was a couple that had been married for 30 years.

I thought it was interesting that Oprah and most of the ladies couldn't understand when the men were honest in saying that they didn't think about how they were going to hurt their spouse when they made the decision to cheat.

They were genuinely sorry for what they had done. They had agreed to go on the show. But I'm just not sure that men are thinking so detailed when they get caught up. The first young guy lived in back of a lady who was a serious flirt. He got busted when the lady's husband found a journal outlining all the dirty details of their affair. He copied the journal and got it to the gilfted wife through one of her friends.

The other part that got my attention was that the men were not aware that the children were aware of the affairs. The 30-year married couple had two grown sons who came on the show. That thing hurt them so badly that they were both teary-eyed on the show. To wit that a cheating father's selfishness could hurt his own children like that. It's rough. I'm not writing this from some self-righteous perspective. But for the grace of God, there go I.

I'm glad that the couples are hanging in there. This stuff really makes one reflective.


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