Dupixent (DU-pix-ent)

 Just minutes to 1 AM I took my first of two doses of the biologic Dupixent. This journey has been YEARS. 

When I lived in Houston my dermatologist wanted to get me on Dupixent. I was nervous because I'm supposed to be on this for the rest of my life. I resisted the idea of being on something the rest of my life. 

Well, I got here to Columbus. And this year I had a flare up that is unmatched (at least to my memory). We tried light therapy. (This was an approach suggested in Houston, but it never happened.) I tried it here and after the 5th or 6th treatment I knew that wasn't going to work because within HOURS of each treatment I itched ALL OVER my body. It was miserable. 

So here we are finally. I am praying that this works. 


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