So you want change, eh?

People may say they want change. But I think they have forgotten that it takes more than stimulating conversation and clever social media posts that get shared and retweeted to actually make change. It takes (1.) preparation and (2.) action. Sure, dialogue is good. But dialogue alone is just not enough. Some people are going to agree with you, explain why, “You right, Doc!” And why change is so desperately needed. But when the rubber meets the road, they aren’t prepared and are, therefore, in no position to take action towards that change they TALK ABOUT. You have to know the rules of the game in order to win the game. I’m talking about PREPARATION. So often in political contests people get knocked out of the running before the primaries even get started because they don’t file properly, don’t get enough signatures to get on the ballot or something simple like that. And those who are already elected know that before they spend any money on opposition research on their challengers, sometimes all they need to do is disqualify their “would be” opponents is to show that the one who wants to unseat them doesn’t even know the rules. And how does that look when someone who wants to become a legislator that writes rules (laws) doesn’t even know the rules? Talk as much as you want to talk. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. If you don’t know the rules, you may as well go take several seats and close your mouth ‘cause ain’t nothing happening different than the status quo.


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