The Hinson Ladies

The Hinson Ladies
The Hinson Ladies,
originally uploaded by kspencerg.
It's Christmas 2004. This year Christmas coincided with the weekly Sabbath. So, we were in church earlier today.

This picture is a photograph I took immediately following the morning worship service. These are the Joe Hinson ladies. Far left is his widow, Carolyn Hinson. Next to her is the youngest daughter, Marla Hinson Fordham who is also my sister-in-law because she is married to my wife's brother. Then there is Kyna Hinson, a professor in the Communications Department at Oakwood College. And then there is Lisa Hinson, the middle child and an executive with a telecommunications company. This is their first Christmas without Joe Hinson, affectionately known as Cap'n.

Things have been very nice. They got in yesterday and came here. We had dinner together. We're all celebrating Christmas together this year. We had some good laughs at dinner. Spencer was breastfed. The conversation went into a discussion of how long is long enough for breastfeeding. Spencer breastfed for five months.

People started talking about some kids who were breastfeeding for two and three years. One story was even told where the boy went to his mother in a Sabbath School class, pulled the breast out and started feeding! Uncle Raymond told us about a patient who had a four year old son who was still breastfeeding. He said his feet were on the floor! You can only imagine the comments that came in the train of that anecdote! HILARIOUS!

So here's who is here: Wanda, Travis, Wayne, Aunt Eula, Uncle Raymond, Mama, Da-Da, Skoog, Marla, Lisa, Kyna, Mama Hinson, Spark and Trixie were here for Christmas dinner, Evelyn, Spencer and me. Puck, Jenny, Pace, Pax and Price are on their way. Puck preached at his church today and hit the road once they came home and tossed their stuff into the van. I spoke with him last around six o'clock.


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